Rental Cost Calculator

Have you ever thought about the opportunity cost in a security deposit? How much money you can earn if you save or invest the security deposit?
Easily calculate not only monthly payment and loan interest, but also the opportunity cost hidden in the security deposit.

It can be used regardless of the currency you use. Not just for $.

What is Opportunity Cost?

The sum of the explicit cost that you direct pay and implicit cost that you give up because of the choice.




Explicit Cost

Monthly Rent
Monthly Loan Interest

Implicit Cost

Amount that can't be saved or invested
Monthly Implicit Loss

Total Monthly Cost

Rent + Loan Interest + Implicit Loss

How to Use

Please enter each item in the Contract, Loan, and Saving/Investing section.
If you don't enter the value, the default value is 0.
After entering all items, click the Result button to display the calculation result.

Result Explanation

Explicit Cost

Implicit Cost

Total Monthly Cost